We are a small section of churches which is part of the Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit. Our section is in the northerly most part of the circuit covering part of the Cotswolds, Tewkesbury and the surrounding area. We are an inclusive, welcoming group of churches working within and beyond the church walls to reach out to all. As churches based in a tourist area we are used to being open to welcome and to offer our facilities to all for the specific events that are hosted here such as; the mop fair, the medieval festival, switching on the Christmas lights all held in Tewkesbury and the late night Christmas Shopping and other events in Winchcombe.
We have a strong outreach ethos within our own communities, particularly to young people via our schools work, Messy Church and Sunday Breakfast Club as well as my Chaplaincy work to the Sea Cadets. We are increasingly working in all our churches to reach those who have become more isolated as a result of the pandemic and seeking new ways to promote mental health and wellbeing.
We found our mission on the notion of spiritual and practical hospitality which we see as a vital underpinning of the Good News of Jesus Christ. We believe that all are called, all are welcome, all are valued and all are gifted in their own particular way. We want to see people grow and develop within the great love of Christ and we do our best to reflect that love. In Tewkesbury we are planning a major building refurbishment which seeks to express our mission and values through many different partnerships we are developing with various agencies with the community.
As a worshipping community we meet every Sunday morning in Winchcombe and Tewkesbury and every 2nd and 4th Sundays in Apperley.
Our Churches are committed to being Eco friendly with 'earthwise' groups exploring the challenges our planet faces with spiritual and practical guidance. Tewkewsbury is currently working towards its Gold Eco award and this will also be the ethos of our building refurbishment.
My particular vocational calling is contemplative practice and I hold various groups both online and in person which focus particularly on this approach to spiritual development. In these groups we explore, amongst other topics, lectio divina, Christian meditation, pilgrimage, the book of nature, mindfulness and the lives of the Christian mystics.
All our churches engage in local Churches Together groups and we enjoy excellent working relationships and many friendships within this wider ecumanical family.